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1 Joanne  Mon, Jun 17, 2013 6:47:58am

What are the X-Y axis points on that chart? I don’t get it.

2 andres  Mon, Jun 17, 2013 6:53:05am

re: #1 Joanne

What I can gather from the graphic…

Y = Percent of Identification
X = Ages

3 Heywood Jabloeme  Mon, Jun 17, 2013 7:12:08am

It basically shows that there is a correlation between age and party affiliation: positive correlation with age for Republicans and negative for Democrats and Independents.

This also exposes the lie, in the form of a truth, that the Republicans tell themselves about the last Presidential election. They say that they lost due to the fact that 5 million of their voters didn’t show up to vote (true) and all that they have to do is have those people show up to vote and they will win the next election (false). Those 5 million people didn’t show up because they are DEAD - that is the number of people of that age that die in the 4 year period between elections!

4 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jun 17, 2013 7:17:03am

GOP: Strength Through Senility

5 dragonath  Mon, Jun 17, 2013 7:48:32am

If I had to make an assumption based on that graph, it looks like the generation of 35-to-50 year olds are far more Republican than the oldest people on that graph, if you consider at least half those independents lean that way.

6 StephenMeansMe  Mon, Jun 17, 2013 10:06:32am

Our only hope is to deport all the young people!

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